
{% capture positions %}{{ settings.position_1 }},{{ settings.position_2 }},{{ settings.position_3 }},{{ settings.position_4 }},{{ settings.position_5 }},{{ settings.position_6 }},{{ settings.position_7 }},{{ settings.position_8 }},{{ settings.position_9 }},{{ settings.position_10 }},{{ settings.position_11 }},{{ settings.position_12 }},{{ settings.position_13 }},{{ settings.position_14 }},{{ settings.position_15 }},{{ settings.position_16 }}{% endcapture %} {% assign positions = positions | split: ',' %}
{% if settings.image_1_headline != blank %}

{{ settings.image_1_headline }}

{% endif %} {% if settings.image_1_subtitle != blank %}

{{ settings.image_1_subtitle }}

{% endif %} {% if settings.image_1_button_text != blank %} {{ settings.image_1_button_text }} {% endif %}
{% if settings.homepage_arrow %} {% endif %}
{% for position in positions %} {% if position == "2" %}

{{ settings.image_2_headline }}

{{ settings.image_2_subtitle }}

{% if settings.image_2_button_text != blank %} {{ settings.image_2_button_text }} {% endif %}
{% elsif position == "3" %}

{{ settings.image_3_headline }}

{{ settings.image_3_subtitle }}

{% if settings.image_3_button_text != blank %} {{ settings.image_3_button_text }} {% endif %}
{% elsif position == "4" %}

{{ settings.image_4_headline }}

{{ settings.image_4_subtitle }}

{% if settings.image_4_button_text != blank %} {{ settings.image_4_button_text }} {% endif %}
{% elsif position == "5" %}

{{ settings.image_5_headline }}

{{ settings.image_5_subtitle }}

{% if settings.image_5_button_text != blank %} {{ settings.image_5_button_text }} {% endif %}
{% elsif position == "6" %}

{{ settings.image_6_headline }}

{{ settings.image_6_subtitle }}

{% if settings.image_6_button_text != blank %} {{ settings.image_6_button_text }} {% endif %}
{% elsif position == "7" %} {% assign featured_links_count = settings.featured_links_count | minus: 0 %}
{% elsif position == "8" and settings.frontpage_linklist != blank %} {% elsif position == "9" and settings.frontpage_collection != blank %} {% elsif position == "10" and settings.frontpage_collection2 != blank %} {% elsif position == "11" and settings.frontpage_collection_full != blank %}
{% assign collection = '' %} {% assign products = collections[settings.frontpage_collection_full].products %} {% include 'product-full' %}
{% elsif position == "12" and settings.homepage1 != blank %} {% elsif position == "13" and settings.homepage2 != blank %} {% elsif position == "14" and settings.homepage3 != blank %} {% elsif position == "15" and settings.blog_widget_select != blank %}

{{ blogs[settings.blog_widget_select].title }}

{% for article in blogs[settings.blog_widget_select].articles limit: settings.home_page_articles %}
{% if article.image %} {{ article.title | escape }} {% endif %} {% if settings.blog_tags %}
{% for tag in article.tags %} {{ tag }} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{{ article.title }}

{% if settings.blog_author %} {{ 'blogs.article.by_author' | t: author: }} {% endif %} {% if settings.blog_date %} {{ article.published_at | date: format: "month_day_year" }} {% endif %} {% if settings.blog_comment_count %} {% if settings.disqus_enabled %} {{ 'blogs.counts.comments_with_count' | t: count: 0 }} {% elsif article.comments_enabled? and article.comments_count > 0 %} {{ 'blogs.counts.comments_with_count' | t: count: article.comments_count }} {% endif %} {% endif %}

{% if article.excerpt != blank %}
{{ article.excerpt }}
{% endif %} {% if settings.read_more_link %}

{{ 'blogs.general.continue_reading_html' | t }}

{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% elsif position == "16" %} {% if settings.twitter_widget != blank or settings.instagram_widget != blank %}
{% if settings.instagram_widget %} {% endif %} {% if settings.twitter_widget != blank %}

{{ settings.twitter_title }}

{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}